"Then Along Comes a Predator" | BBC Wildlife Magazine

A Forbes sea star drapes its arm over a bay scallop in this screenshot. Video credit Nipam Patel, filmed by BioQuest Studios at the СƵ

Marine scientists have shared nail-biting footage of a scallop about to be eaten for lunch by a hungry sea star. 

“This video begins with a bay scallop (Argopecten irradians) sitting peacefully, peering out with its dozens of deep blue eyes,” says Nipam Patel, Director at the . “Then along comes a predator, Forbes sea star (Asterias forbesi), crawling forward on its tube feet.”

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A Forbes sea star hunts a bay scallop. Video credit Nipam Patel, filmed by BioQuest Studios at the Marine Biological Laboratory

The video shows the  using its  – tiny organs on the underside of the starfish that help it move and eat – to creep slowly towards the scallop. Step by tiny step, it pulls itself onto the scallop until one arm has reached all the way to the front of the shell. .

Source: "Then Along Comes a Predator" BBC Wildlife Magazine