Embryology course publications by year, 2018-2023

*note: preprints listed in the year they were published, separately from final versions*

Bibliography up to date as of September 8th, 2023


In the Spotlight—Established researcher. (2023).

First person – Vanessa Chong-Morrison. (2023). Biology Open, 12(6), bio060034.

Truchado-García, M., Perry, K. J., Cavodeassi, F., Kenny, N. J., Henry, J. Q., & Grande, C. (2023). A Small Change With a Twist Ending: A Single Residue in EGF-CFC Drives Bilaterian Asymmetry. Molecular Biology and Evolution, 40(2), msac270.

Prahl, L. S., Viola, J. M., Liu, J., & Hughes, A. J. (2023). The developing murine kidney actively negotiates geometric packing conflicts to avoid defects. Developmental Cell, 58(2), 110-120.e5.

Marlétaz, F., de la Calle-Mustienes, E., Acemel, R. D., Paliou, C., Naranjo, S., Martínez-García, P. M., Cases, I., Sleight, V. A., Hirschberger, C., Marcet-Houben, M., Navon, D., Andrescavage, A., Skvortsova, K., Duckett, P. E., González-Rajal, Á., Bogdanovic, O., Gibcus, J. H., Yang, L., Gallardo-Fuentes, L., … Gómez-Skarmeta, J. L. (2023). The little skate genome and the evolutionary emergence of wing-like fins. Nature, 616(7957), Article 7957.


Unguez, G. A., Bennett, K. L., Domingo, C., & Chow, I. (2022). Increasing Diversity in Developmental Biology. Frontiers in Sociology, 6.

Smith, J. J., Kenny, I. W., Wolff, C., Cray, R., Kumar, A., Sherwood, D. R., & Matus, D. Q. (2022a). A light sheet fluorescence microscopy protocol for Caenorhabditis elegans larvae and adults (p. 2022.08.05.503008). bioRxiv.

Smith, J. J., Kenny, I. W., Wolff, C., Cray, R., Kumar, A., Sherwood, D. R., & Matus, D. Q. (2022b). A light sheet fluorescence microscopy protocol for Caenorhabditis elegans larvae and adults. Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology, 10.

Seaver, E. C. (2022). Chapter Fourteen - Sifting through the mud: A tale of building the annelid Capitella teleta for EvoDevo studies. In B. Goldstein & M. Srivastava (Eds.), Current Topics in Developmental Biology (Vol. 147, pp. 401–432). Academic Press.

Pederson, T. (2022). Cellular identity (re)surfaces. The FASEB Journal, 36(12), e22624.

Newmark, P. A., & Sánchez Alvarado, A. (2022). Chapter Eleven - Schmidtea happens: Re-establishing the planarian as a model for studying the mechanisms of regeneration. In B. Goldstein & M. Srivastava (Eds.), Current Topics in Developmental Biology (Vol. 147, pp. 307–344). Academic Press.

Mauro, M. S., Celma, G., Zimyanin, V., Magaj, M. M., Gibson, K. H., Redemann, S., & Bahmanyar, S. (2022). Ndc1 drives nuclear pore complex assembly independent of membrane biogenesis to promote nuclear formation and growth. eLife, 11, e75513.

Martindale, M. Q. (2022). Chapter Four - Emerging models: The “development” of the ctenophore Mnemiopsis leidyi and the cnidarian Nematostella vectensis as useful experimental models. In B. Goldstein & M. Srivastava (Eds.), Current Topics in Developmental Biology (Vol. 147, pp. 93–120). Academic Press.

Marlétaz, F., Calle-Mustienes, E. de la, Acemel, R. D., Nakamura, T., Paliou, C., Naranjo, S., Martínez-García, P. M., Cases, I., Sleight, V. A., Hirschberger, C., Marcet-Houben, M., Navon, D., Andrescavage, A., Skvortsova, K., Duckett, P. E., González-Rajal, Á., Bogdanovic, O., Gibcus, J. H., Yang, L., … Gómez-Skarmeta, J. L. (2022). The little skate genome and the evolutionary emergence of wing-like fin appendages (p. 2022.03.21.485123). bioRxiv.

Lyons, D. C., & Henry, J. Q. (2022). Slipper snail tales: How Crepidula fornicata and Crepidula atrasolea became model molluscs. In Current Topics in Developmental Biology (Vol. 147, pp. 375–399). Elsevier.

Hirschberger, C., & Gillis, J. A. (2022). The pseudobranch of jawed vertebrates is a mandibular arch-derived gill. Development, 149(13), dev200184.

Goldstein, B. (2022). Chapter Seven—Tardigrades and their emergence as model organisms. In B. Goldstein & M. Srivastava (Eds.), Current Topics in Developmental Biology (Vol. 147, pp. 173–198). Academic Press.

Fulton, C. (2022). The Amazing Evolutionary Complexity of Eukaryotic Tubulins: Lessons from Naegleria and the Multi-tubulin Hypothesis. Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology, 10.

DeGiorgis, J. A., Jang, M., & Bearer, E. L. (2022). The Giant Axon of the Squid: A Simple System for Axonal Transport Studies. In A. Vagnoni (Ed.), Axonal Transport: Methods and Protocols (pp. 3–22). Springer US.


Scientist Spotlight: Kerry Bloom. (2021). Chromosome Research, 29(3), 241–244.

First person – Rachael Norris. (2021). Journal of Cell Science, 134(1).

Vieites-Prado, A., & Renier, N. (2021). Tissue clearing and 3D imaging in developmental biology. Development, 148(18).

Valet, M., Siggia, E. D., & Brivanlou, A. H. (2021). Mechanical regulation of early vertebrate embryogenesis. Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology.

Truchado-Garcia, M., Caccavale, F., Grande, C., & D’Aniello, S. (2021). Expression Pattern of Nitric Oxide Synthase during Development of the Marine Gastropod Mollusc, Crepidula fornicata. Genes, 12(2), 314.

Swartz, S. Z., Tan, T. H., Perillo, M., Fakhri, N., Wessel, G. M., Wikramanayake, A. H., & Cheeseman, I. M. (2021a). Polarized Dishevelled dissolution and condensation drives embryonic axis specification in oocytes.

Swartz, S. Z., Tan, T. H., Perillo, M., Fakhri, N., Wessel, G. M., Wikramanayake, A. H., & Cheeseman, I. M. (2021b). Polarized Dishevelled dissolution and reassembly drives embryonic axis specification in sea star oocytes. Current Biology.

Prahl, L. S., Viola, J. M., Liu, J., & Hughes, A. J. (2021). The developing kidney actively negotiates geometric packing conflicts to avoid defects (p. 2021.11.29.470441). bioRxiv.

Pomerantz, A. F., Siddique, R. H., Cash, E. I., Kishi, Y., Pinna, C., Hammar, K., Gomez, D., Elias, M., & Patel, N. H. (2021). Developmental, cellular, and biochemical basis of transparency in clearwing butterflies. Journal of Experimental Biology.

Mayor, R. (2021). 20 years of the Practical Course of Developmental Biology in Latin America: From Santiago to Quintay, via Juquehy, Buenos Aires and Montevideo. The International Journal of Developmental Biology, 52.

Mauro, M. S., Celma, G., Zimyanin, V., Gibson, K. H., Redemann, S., & Bahmanyar, S. (2021). NDC1 is necessary for the stable assembly of the nuclear pore scaffold to establish nuclear transport in early C. elegans embryos. bioRxiv, 2021.07.17.452264.

Lesoway, M. P., & Henry, J. Q. (2021). Retinoids promote penis development in sequentially hermaphroditic snails. Developmental Biology, 478, 122–132.

Komatsu, V., Doddihal, V., & Chang, C. (2021). Imaging of dynamic actin remodeling reveals distinct behaviors of head and trunk mesoderm in gastrulating Xenopus laevis.

Hirschberger, C., & Gillis, J. A. (2021). The pseudobranch of jawed vertebrates is a mandibular arch-derived gill.

Hirschberger, C., Sleight, V. A., Criswell, K. E., Clark, S. J., & Gillis, J. A. (2021a). Conserved and unique transcriptional features of pharyngeal arches in the skate ( Leucoraja erinacea ) and evolution of the jaw. Molecular Biology and Evolution, 38(10), 4187–4204.

Hirschberger, C., Sleight, V. A., Criswell, K. E., Clark, S. J., & Gillis, J. A. (2021b). Conserved and unique transcriptional features of pharyngeal arches in the skate (Leucoraja erinacea) and evolution of the jaw (p. 2021.01.12.426343). bioRxiv.

Grewal, S. (2021). An interview with Scott Fraser. Development, 148(24), dev200393.

García-Arrarás, J. E. (2021). An Interview with Dr. Alejandro Sánchez Alvarado. The International Journal of Developmental Biology, 65, 137–141.

Gainett, G., González, V. L., Ballesteros, J. A., Setton, E. V. W., Baker, C. M., Barolo Gargiulo, L., Santibáñez-López, C. E., Coddington, J. A., & Sharma, P. P. (2021). The genome of a daddy-long-legs (Opiliones) illuminates the evolution of arachnid appendages. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 288(1956), 20211168.

Criswell, K. E., Roberts, L. E., Koo, E. T., Head, J. J., & Gillis, J. A. (2021). Hox gene expression predicts tetrapod-like axial regionalization in the skate, Leucoraja erinacea. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 118(51), e2114563118.

Calvo, L., Ronshaugen, M., & Pettini, T. (2021). smiFISH and embryo segmentation for single-cell multi-gene RNA quantification in arthropods. Communications Biology, 4(1), 352.

Caccavale, F., Annona, G., Subirana, L., Escriva, H., Bertrand, S., & D’Aniello, S. (2021). Crosstalk between nitric oxide and retinoic acid pathways is essential for amphioxus pharynx development. eLife, 10.

Attix, H., George, A., Panchal, H., Cortez, A., Cho, M., Zarilla, K., Hastie, E., & Matus, D. (2021). Wild Caught Nematode Identification and Early Embryo Development: An accessible undergraduate research experience. microPublication Biology, 2021, 10.17912/micropub.biology.000447.


Theodosiou, N. A., Choi, Y., & Freeman, E. A. (2020). Professional societies can play a vital role in career development. Developmental Biology, 459(1), 5–8.

Steele, R. E. (2020). Gene Editing: A Tool for Tackling Cephalopod Biology. Current Biology, 30(17), r986–r988.

Sleight, V. A., & Gillis, J. A. (2020). Embryonic origin and serial homology of gill arches and paired fins in the skate, Leucoraja erinacea. eLife, 9.

Pomerantz, A. F., Siddique, R. H., Cash, E. I., Kishi, Y., Pinna, C., Hammar, K., Gomez, D., Elias, M., & Patel, N. H. (2020). Developmental, cellular, and biochemical basis of transparency in the glasswing butterfly Greta oto.

Neff, E. P. (2020). CRISPR in cephalopods yields the first knockout squid. Lab Animal, 49(10), 292.

McClay, D. (2020). Unlocking mechanisms of development through advances in tools (pp. 37–41).

Maartens, A. (2020). An interview with Roberto Mayor. Development, 147(3), dev187252.

Lyons, D. C., Perry, K. J., Batzel, G., & Henry, J. Q. (2020). BMP signaling plays a role in anterior-neural/head development, but not organizer activity, in the gastropod Crepidula fornicata. Developmental Biology, 463(2), 135–157.

Horne-Badovinac, S. (2020). The Drosophila micropyle as a system to study how epithelia build complex extracellular structures. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 375(1809), 20190561.

Evans, J. P. (2020). Preventing polyspermy in mammalian eggs—Contributions of the membrane block and other mechanisms. Molecular Reproduction and Development, 87(3), 341–349.

Criswell, K. E., & Gillis, A. (2020). Resegmentation is an ancestral feature of the gnathostome vertebral skeleton. eLife, 9.

Concha, M. L. (2020). A tale of turns and cycles guiding to neural crest migration. An Interview with Prof. Roberto Mayor. The International Journal of Developmental Biology.

Calvo, L., Ronshaugen, M., & Pettini, T. (2020, March). smiFISH and embryo segmentation for single-cell multi-gene RNA quantification in arthropods.

Caccavale, F., Annona, G., Subirana, L., Escriva, H., Bertrand, S., & D’Aniello, S. (2020). Crosstalk between Nitric Oxide and Retinoic Acid pathways is essential for amphioxus pharynx development.


Wallingford, J. B., & Sater, A. K. (2019). Commentary and tribute to Antone Jacobson: The pioneer of morphodynamics. Developmental Biology, 451(2), 97–133.

Munro, C., Vue, Z., Behringer, R. R., & Dunn, C. W. (2019). Morphology and development of the Portuguese man of war, Physalia physalis. Scientific Reports, 9(1), 15522.

Kuspa, A., & Shaulsky, G. (2019). (Auto)Biographical reflections on the contributions of William F. Loomis (1940-2016) to Dictyostelium biology. International Journal of Developmental Biology, 63(8-9–10), Article 8-9–10.

Edgar, A., Byrne, M., & Wray, G. A. (2019). Embryo microinjection of the lecithotrophic sea urchin Heliocidaris erythrogramma. Journal of Biological Methods, 6(3), e119.

Criswell, K. E., & Gillis, J. A. (2019). Resegmentation is an ancestral feature of the gnathostome vertebral skeleton.

Burgess, D. R. (2019). Echinoderm eggs as a model for discoveries in cell biology (pp. 29–36).


Truchado-Garcia, M., Harland, R. M., & Abrams, M. J. (2018). 3D-printable tools for developmental biology: Improving embryo injection and screening techniques through 3D-printing technology.

Pennisi, E. (2018). The power of many. Science, 360(6396), 1388–1391.

Osborne, C. C., Perry, K. J., Shankland, M., & Henry, J. Q. (2018). Ectomesoderm and EMT-related genes in spiralian development. Developmental Dynamics.

McGreevy, K. M., Heikes, K. L., Kult, S., Tharp, M. E., & Goldstein, B. (2018). Fluorescent Cell Staining Methods for Living Hypsibius exemplaris Embryos. Cold Spring Harbor Protocols, 2018(11), pdb.prot106021.

Lorente-Sorolla, J., Truchado-Garcia, M., Perry, K. J., Henry, J. Q., & Grande, C. (2018). Molecular, phylogenetic and developmental analyses of Sall proteins in bilaterians. EvoDevo, 9(1), 9.

Kwok, R. (2018). Raw data videos offer a glimpse into laboratory research. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 115(37), 9048–9050.

Jinson, S. T., Liebich, J., Senft, S. L., & Mäthger, L. M. (2018). Retinal specializations and visual ecology in an animal with an extremely elaborate pupil shape: The little skate Leucoraja (Raja) erinacea Mitchell, 1825. Journal of Comparative Neurology, 526(12), 1962–1977.

Hutchins, E. J., Kunttas, E., Piacentino, M. L., Howard, A. G. A., Bronner, M. E., & Uribe, R. A. (2018). Migration and diversification of the vagal neural crest. Developmental Biology.

Bonatto Paese, C. L., Leite, D. J., Schönauer, A., McGregor, A. P., & Russell, S. (2018). Duplication and expression of Sox genes in spiders. BMC Evolutionary Biology, 18(1), 205.