The Marine Biological Laboratory's 27th annual Semester in Environmental Science Symposium was held on December 13, 2024.

Students who participated in the semester-long study abroad course presented the culmination of their independent research projects in 15-minute talks over the course of the day.



9:00-9:40: Coffee Break - Lillie Lobby

9:45-10:00: Dr. Linda Hyman, Director of Education - Welcome and introductory remarks

10:00-10:15: Elle Mader, Mt. Holyoke College - Measured and Modeled Nutrients of Cranberry Bogsheds and a Vegetation Denitrification Assay to Prioritize Cranberry Bogs for Wetland Restoration

10:15-10:30: Jenna Moor, University of Chicago -  Effects of Salinity on Typha angustifolia Growth and Modeled Seedling Competition with Algae angustifolia

10:30-10:45:  Sean Greeby, University of Chicago - Exploring the Effects of Event-Driven Sediment Deposition on Salt Marsh Resilience

10:45-11:00: Cameron Johnson, Bethune Cookman University - Examining wildfire survivorship & post-fire metabolism within forest soil microbiomes

11:00-11:15: Hoang Luu, Rhodes College - The Importance of Protists and Viruses in Bacterial Mortality Across Anaerobic and Aerobic Environments in Sider Pond

11:15-11:30:  Sophia Williams, Rhodes College - Evaluation of Microbial Abundance and Composition on Macroplastics from Coastal Ecosystems

11:30-11:45:  Alena Maes-Polan, Hampshire College - Investigation of Microbial Biofilms Colonizing Macroplastics found in Freshwater Ecosystems

11:45-12:00: Angelina Lopez Peinado, Oregon State University - Characterization of Grain Size Distribution and Carbon Content of Deep-Sea Floor Sediments in the Deep Sargasso Sea

12:00 - 13:30: Luncheon 鈥 Main Dining Hall, Swope Center*

13:30 - 13:45: Anneka Johnson, Hampshire College - Contaminants in Organisms Across Trophic Levels, Microplastics and Metals

13:45 - 14:00: Konoka Uematsu, Dickinson College - Characterization of Lipid Biomarkers during Temperature Stress in Sargassum (S. filipendula)

14:00 - 14:15: Kevin Solano, University of Chicago - A Comparison of the Short-Term Recovery Rates of Astrangia Poculata

14:15 - 14:30: Mycreta Johnston, Massachusetts Institute of Technology - Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) Production and Bleaching in Astrangia Poculata Exposed to Heat and Oxidative Stress

14:30 - 14:45:  Nathaniel Woods, Dickinson College - Discovering the Effects of Stressors on Euprymna berryi Embryonic Growth and Early Development

14:45 - 15:00: Emma Johnston, Dickinson College - Diets of Longfin squid (Doryteuthis pealeii) in relation to size, geographic location, and time

15:00 - 15:15:  Bryan Miranda, University of Chicago - Friend or Foe: Investigating the Impact of Pea Crab Presence on Scallop Respiration, Behavior and Condition

16:15 - 16:30: Semester Retrospective (Mirta Teichberg, SES Program Director) 

There will be refreshments and a celebratory closing ceremony in the Meigs Room at Swope Center after the symposium.
*Students, parents and guests, faculty and instructors welcome who have indicated in advance that they will attend.