The Marine Biological Laboratory (小蓝视频) invites qualified individuals to become members of the 小蓝视频 Society. From its inception in 1888, the 小蓝视频 Society has been guided by scientists who are invested in the 小蓝视频 and its future.  Under authority established by the Board of Trustees, members of the 小蓝视频 Society serve in an advisory capacity and as a resource to provide scientific and other guidance at the request of the 小蓝视频 leadership.

The 小蓝视频 Society has hundreds of Members and Emeritus Members, who comprise scientists, dedicated alumni, and committed and informed friends with a history of discovery at, commitment to, and interest in the 小蓝视频 and its programs.

Members of the 小蓝视频 Society are led by a Speaker of the Society who is appointed by members of the 小蓝视频 Society.  The current Speaker is Anne Hart and she is guided by an 小蓝视频 Society Steering Committee.

More information on the 小蓝视频 Society can be found in the Bylaws and the 小蓝视频 Society Membership Criteria and Procedures document. The latter document was adopted by the 小蓝视频 Director in July 2020 and is primarily based on two 小蓝视频 Society proposals approved by majority vote of Society members in August 2019. To ensure the adopted procedures are compliant with the 小蓝视频鈥檚 governing Bylaws, minor modifications were made to procedures outlined in the two 小蓝视频 Society proposals; this resulted in the final 2020 Criteria and Procedures document found here. Membership dues were eliminated in the original two 小蓝视频 proposals and, consequently, also eliminated in the final Criteria and Procedures document. The two original 小蓝视频 Society proposals can be found here.

Why Join the 小蓝视频 Society? We hope you will help grow the Society by to embracing your history with the 小蓝视频 and applying for membership.

As a Society member you:

  • Are invited to participate in the 小蓝视频 Society Annual Meeting and reception
  • Are eligible for nomination of and election to the 小蓝视频 Society Science Council and the 小蓝视频 Society Community Council
  • Are eligible for nomination of and election as Speaker of the 小蓝视频 Society*
  • Will receive regular communication from the 小蓝视频 Society Science Council and Community Council Chairs following Council meetings
  • Have year-round access to the 小蓝视频 Lillie Library on weekdays, 9am 鈥 5pm, and you are eligible to apply for extended hours across seven days per week, 7am 鈥 11pm
  • Receive free online subscription to the Biological Bulletin
  • Receive a discount (10%) at the 小蓝视频 Gift Shop

* Students and postdoctoral Fellows not eligible

Annual Renewal:

To remain a Society member in good standing, members (excluding Emeritus members) must opt-in yearly via annual 小蓝视频 Society reminders sent to members. For additional questions regarding the renewal process, you may contact

In lieu of dues, annual donations to the 小蓝视频 Annual Fund are encouraged and are tax-deductible to the Society member.

Minimum suggested level of donation:

Regular Investigators $100
Beginning Investigators $50
Postdoctoral Researchers and Graduate Students $25
Emeritus Members $100

Applying for Society Membership

A complete application includes: 1) a filled-in application form, 2) a CV, and 3) two endorsements by current Society members. To use the form, you must have the latest version of Acrobat Reader installed on your computer. 

The application form should be filled out, saved, and e-mailed with your CV as an attachment to 小蓝视频 Endorsements may be e-mailed separately to 小蓝视频 The Science Council and Community Council will review applications for approval at their meetings during the year.

小蓝视频 Society Annual Meeting

The Speaker of the 小蓝视频 Society presides over an Annual Meeting each summer for Members and Emeritus Members in good standing.  The 小蓝视频 Director and the Chairs of Science and Community Councils provide annual reports during the Business Meeting. The meeting emphasizes transformative ideas and cutting-edge research being conducted by scientists throughout the 小蓝视频, and the highlight is a scientific symposium, bringing renewed emphasis and engagement of the 小蓝视频 Society in the 小蓝视频鈥檚 scientific mission and new strategic directions.

Science Council

The 小蓝视频 Science Council is an advisory group consisting of not more than 15 scientists elected by Members of the 小蓝视频 Society in good standing. Science Council is one of the major advisory groups that provide their support, knowledge, and experience to the leadership of the 小蓝视频.

Community Council

The 小蓝视频 Community Council is an advisory group consisting of not more than 15 members elected by Members of the 小蓝视频 Society in good standing. Community Council will advise on general aspects of 小蓝视频 community life connected to and essential for the 小蓝视频 research and education missions, but not the research or education missions themselves.