New Publications: June 2020

小蓝视频WHOI Library

Every month, research from 小蓝视频 scientists and affiliates is published in academic journals across the globe. In June 2020, eight new studies were published. 小蓝视频-affiliated authors are in bold.

Our list of recent publications is updated weekly here.


Mohl, J. E., Fetcher, N., Stunz, E., Tang, J., & Moody, M. L. (2020). Comparative transcriptomics of an arctic foundation species, tussock cottongrass (Eriophorum vaginatum), during an extreme heat event. Sci Rep.

Eugster, W., Laundre, J., Eugster, J., & Kling, G. W. (2020). Long-term reliability of the Figaro TGS 2600 solid-state methane sensor under low-Arctic conditions at Toolik Lake, Alaska. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques.

Guo, M., Li, Y., Su, Y., Lambert, T., Nogare, D. D., Moyle, M. W., Duncan, L. H., Ikegami, R., Santella, A., Rey-Suarez, I., Green, D., Beiriger, A., Chen, J., Vishwasrao, H., Ganesan, S., Prince, V., Waters, J. C., Annunziata, C. M., Hafner, M., Mohler, W. A., Chitnis, A. B., Upadhyaya, A., Usdin, T. B., Bao, Z., Col贸n-Ramos, D., La Riviere, P., Liu, H., Wu, Y., & Shroff, H. (2020). Rapid image deconvolution and multiview fusion for optical microscopy. Nat Biotechnol.

Laissue, P. P., Roberson, L., Gu, Y., Qian, C., & Smith, D. J. (2020). Long-term imaging of the photosensitive, reef-building coral Acropora muricata using light-sheet illumination. Sci Rep

Learn More: Microscope Allows Gentle, Continuous Imaging of Light-Sensitive Corals

Lemonnier, C., Perennou, M., Eveillard, D., Fernandez-Guerra, A., Leynaert, A., Marie, L., Morrison, H. G., Memery, L., Paillard, C., & Maignien, L. (2020). Linking Spatial and Temporal Dynamic of Bacterioplankton Communities With Ecological Strategies Across a Coastal Frontal Area. Frontiers in Marine Science.

Rogers, E. T. F., Quraishe, S., Rogers, K. S., Newman, T. A., Smith, P. J. S., & Zheludev, N. (2020). Far-field unlabeled super-resolution imaging with superoscillatory illumination. APL PHOTONICS

Townsend, J. P., Gemmell, B. J., Sutherland, K. R., Colin, S. P., & Costello, J. H. (2020). Ink Release and Swimming Behavior in the Oceanic Ctenophore Eurhamphaea vexilligera. Biol Bull.

Watterson, W. J., Tanyeri, M., Watson, A. R., Cham, C. M., Shan, Y., Chang, E. B., Eren, A. M., & Tay, S. (2020). Droplet-based high-throughput cultivation for accurate screening of antibiotic resistant gut microbes. Elife

Are you an 小蓝视频 scientist with a paper that came out this month and was not included on this list? We apologize for the oversight. Please email