New Publications: November 2024

小蓝视频WHOI Library. Credit: 小蓝视频 Archives

Every month, research from 小蓝视频 scientists and affiliates is published in academic journals across the globe. In November 2024, 11 new studies were published. 小蓝视频-affiliated authors are in bold.

Our list of recent publications is updated weekly here.

November 2024

Dames, N. R., Rocke, E., Pitcher, G., Rybicki, E., Pfaff, M., & Moloney, C. L. (2024). Ecological roles of nano-picoplankton in stratified waters of an embayment in the southern Benguela. FEMS Microbiology Letters.

Demir, C., McClelland, J., Bristol, E., Charette, M., & Cardenas, M. (2024). Coastal Supra鈥怭ermafrost Aquifers of the Arctic and their significant groundwater, carbon, and nitrogen fluxes. Geophysical Research Letters.

Gherca, W., Forbrich, I., Jacotot, A., Knox, S., Leahy, P., Morrison, R., Sachs, T., & Eichelmann, E. (2025). Biometeorological feedbacks on peatlands: Raising the water table to reduce meteorologically-related stress on cattle. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology.

Haviland, K., Howarth, R., Giblin, A., & Marino, R. (2024). The potential role of sediment iron and sulfur speciation in seagrass meadow loss and recovery. Ocean-Land-Atmosphere Research.

Hernandez, C., van Daalen, S., Liguori, A., Neubert, M., Caswell, H., & Gribble, K. (2024). Maternal effect senescence and caloric restriction interact to affect fitness through changes in life history timing. Journal of Animal Ecology.

Houghton, R., Davidson, E., Melillo, J., Schlesinger, W., & Shaver, G. (2024). Resolution of Respect: George M. Woodwell (1928鈥2024). Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America.

Iuffrida, L., Spezzano, R., Trapella, G., Cinti, N., Parma, L., De Marco, A., Palladino, G., Bonaldo, A., Candela, M., & Franzellitti, S. (2024). Physiological plasticity and life history traits affect Chamelea gallina acclimatory responses during a marine heatwave. Environmental Research.

Kim, J., Buffenstein, R., Bronikowski, A. M., Pilar Vanegas, N.-D., Rosas, L., Agudelo-Garcia, P., Mora, A. L., Rojas, M., Englund, D. A., LeBrasseur, N. K., Nunes, A., Robbins, P. D., Kohut, M. L., Kothadiya, S., Bardhan, R., Camell, C. D., Sturmlechner, I., Goronzy, J. J., Yeh, C.-Y., Lamming, D. W., Huang, S., Leiser, S. F., Escorcia, W., Gill, M., S., Taylor, J. R., Helfand, S. L., Korm, S., Gribble, K. E., Pehar, M., Blaszkiewicz, M., Townsend, K. L., McGregor, E. R., Anderson, R. M., Stilgenbauer, L., Sadagurski, M., Taylor, A., McNeill, E., Stoeger, T., & Bai, H. (2024). The Fourth Annual Symposium of the Midwest Aging Consortium. The Journals of Gerontology: Series A.

Kwiatkowski, E. R., Rosenthal, J. J. C., & Emery, P. (2024). Crosstalk between the circatidal and circadian clocks mediates behavioral adaptation to tidal patterns. Current Biology.

搁辞尘谩苍鈥怴endrell, C., Wallace, J., Watson, A., Celikag, M., Bartels, T., & Morgan, J. (2024). Acute introduction of monomeric or multimeric 伪鈥恠ynuclein induces distinct impacts on synaptic vesicle trafficking at lamprey giant synapses. The Journal of Physiology.

Wittmers, F., Comstock, J., Poirier, C., Needham, D. M., Schulz, F., Malmstrom, R., Carlson, C. A., & Worden, A. Z. (2024). Non-photosynthetic lineages sibling to Cyanobacteria associate with eukaryotes in the open ocean. Current Biology.


Are you an 小蓝视频 scientist with a paper that came out this month, which was not included on this list? We apologize for the oversight. Please email