ࡱ> <?;G bjbjƶ 82ԬiԬi@@\B>V#%%%%%%$ NII^ ##:O,T"{ t0 L  lII=R @X : СƵ SHUT-DOWN CHECKLIST ADMINISTRATIVE Leave all housing/lab keys at the front desk of Swope. Return СƵ Card and Parking Sticker to front desk of Swope. BIOLOGICAL WASTE Contact Safety at  HYPERLINK "mailto:safety@mbl.edu" safety@mbl.edu or 508-289-7424 for removal of sharps containers and glass box disposal. Autoclave all biological waste in autoclave bags and dispose of in dumpster. Be sure all bags are removed from autoclave and disposed of in outside dumpster. Dispose of all animals properly; locally collected marine animals in buckets; terrestrial, non-native marine, or treated animals specimens are to be bagged, sealed, labeled with name/date, and stored in Loeb G11 or Rowe 107 freezer. CHEMICAL WASTE Remove all chemicals and reagents which are no longer needed from dry storage, fume hoods, flammable cabinet, corrosive cabinet, refrigerator, -20 freezer, and -80 freezer. These include expiring chemicals, high hazards, old chemicals, prepared solutions, and surplus chemicals. Move purged material and any hazardous waste to the Satellite Accumulation Area (SAA) and apply hazardous labels for removal. All containers must be labeled and clearly identified. Contact Safety at  HYPERLINK "mailto:safety@mbl.edu" safety@mbl.edu or 508-289-7424 with any questions. Safety can provide additional empty containers, plastic bags, and hazard waste labels. CHEMICAL INVENTORY A Chemical Inventorymust be completed prior to departure. The Chemical inventory should be compiled in the excel format as supplied by the Safety Department. Contact Safety at  HYPERLINK "mailto:safety@mbl.edu" safety@mbl.edu or 508-289-7424 with questions. CLEANING Dispose of all food, beverages and bottles stored in common break area. Remove all items in refrigerator and clean out interior. Check all areas in laboratory including sinks, cabinets, and lab drawers. Clean out all materials in fume hoods. Wipe down lab benches with mild soap and water. Clean up seawater tank area and dispose of any animals properly. Remove all items from general use areas. No items should be left behind, if unsure of how to dispose or remove any remaining items, please contact EVS ( HYPERLINK "mailto:jbutler@mbl.edu" jbutler@mbl.edu) EQUIPMENT Return any borrowed or loaned equipment. Return apparatus equipment to Lillie 8A (contact Apparatus x7444). Send an email to Division of Research ( HYPERLINK "mailto:research@mbl.edu" research@mbl.edu) identifying any large pieces of equipment you plan to leave in the laboratory. Items must be powered down, cleaned, and labeled with name, phone number, and date. (Please keep in mind that if the СƵ is threatened by a storm or building issue, our facilities staff may not have time to safeguard.) All other equipment items need to be crated or removed unless the lab is being rented for the off-season. STORAGE If you choose to store items in crates, the crates may be moved to the Warehouse. Contact  HYPERLINK "mailto:boxes@mbl.edu" boxes@mbl.edu for crates. Crates must be marked with name and contact information. No food, chemicals, or propane are to be put into storage crates. Email  HYPERLINK "mailto:boxes@mbl.edu" boxes@mbl.edu for pick up once crates are packed up and ready for storage. All chemicals being stored are to be placed into gray bins (available from Safety at  HYPERLINK "mailto:safety@mbl.edu" safety@mbl.edu or 508-289-7424) and labeled on outside with name, phone number, and date. Flammables and corrosives should be properly segregated into separate gray bins for storage by the Safety Department in flammable or corrosive cabinets. No other chemicals are to be left in the laboratory unless in a gray bin. Make sure any prepared solutions you wish to keep are labeled with specific contents, name, phone number, and date Any other items remaining in the laboratory will be removed and disposed of unless arrangements have been made with the Division of Research (see Equipment above).  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